
kitty chronicals - the end

Due to an unfortunate misunderstanding the kitties and I had to prematurely part ways. Though I was sad at first, I soon realized how relieved I was to give them up. In just the first four days they were finding SO MUCH to get into. I also had to start guarding my apartment door each time I came in or went out. Gucci and Burke were becoming quite the escape artists. Then there was the one day I came home during lunch and one of the kittens ventured into the garbage can... I knew this NOT because she was still there when I got home, but rather she had clawed up the the bag up to climb out. I can only imagine how much trouble they would have found with another month with me.

If anyone is interested in adopting these adorable little bundles I noticed one of them on the Fox Valley Humane Association website. For now, enjoy the rest of my photos of them.

We had a really great snuggle fest the last night they stayed with me. I'm gonna miss that the most.


the kitten chronicles - part one: meet the kittens

Recently I agreed to begin foster care for cats from the Fox Valley Humane Association (FVHA). I have been volunteering with the organization since last spring. About once a month I go in to help clean out cat cages... yes, scooping poop from litter boxes and replacing dirty bedding and anything else the kitties ask of me. Glamorous, huh?

Well, my responsibilities skyrocketed about a week ago when I applied to be a kitty cat foster mom. This program sounded perfect or me... all I want is to love me some kitties without having to pay the bills and these kitties are in some serious need of love. This was a story problem even I could figure out. Here's where things get exciting... I have never had a pet while living on my own - plants were the only thing I figured I could be held responsible for on a 24/7 basis. The way I figure, the cat gods were looking down on me and wanted a good laugh for the next two months... because the foster family I got was a litter of FIVE, 10 week old kittens.

I was SOOOOOOO excited. I even announced my excitement at a meeting the day I was going to pick the kittens up. I saw some of my co-workers shaking their heads, while others had sly grins. "What could they be thinking?", I wondered to myself. Now I know what they were thinking... "What a sweet, stupid girl. She has no idea what she's getting into." They were right, I just dove into the deep end of the kitty-care pool.

I picked up my kittens and all their supplies (FVHA gives you all the food, litter, toys, litter boxes, and dishes you need) and we headed to my apartment for our first night at home together. Pop quiz: what is a kitten's favorite thing to get into?? EVERYTHING! These little creatures are so curious that a fold in a blanket can keep them occupied for a good five minutes. Yeah, five minutes is about as long as their attention spans last. They helped me find all the stuff in my apartment that should be put away. The first 40 minutes was spent following them around and taking stuff away that they shouldn't have been playing with. That's when it occurred to me... I was now responsible for five kitty cat infants. They don't know that chewing on that electrical cable will kill them... luckily they DO know what a litter box is and what it is for. Which reminds me... kitten poo might be the worst smelling poo in the entire world.

So, allow me to introduce my new posse. After about three days with them I feel like I have their personalities pretty much figured out, but they are still surprising me everyday.

Dooney: He's the one boy in the litter of five. He's a pig and a bully. He can be a sweet little lover when the rest of the girls aren't around, but likes to keep the ladies in line. Also, he likes to have the prime spot when we're sleeping... on my throat and in my face. He also likes to climb my back and perch on my shoulder. Basically, the alpha of the group. He's recently started pushing the girls around. Some of them will fight back... some just cry. I hate to see what goes on when I'm not here.

Burke: She's a sweet, stupid little runt. She and Dooney have the same markings. Sometimes I think Dooney cuts her a little extra slack and in return she is his little lackey. The two of them together bully the others out of the food bowl. She is the only one that can eat with Dooney without him growling or smacking her. She also refuses to defend herself when Dooney starts beating her up. Sigh. I save her every time. I don't want to get too down on Burke. She has been the first kitten to come and find me in the morning when they aren't sleeping with me. She loves to perch on me and cuddle. She so sweet and playful. She'll make someone a very satisfied cat owner. Jen... are you reading this?

Vuitton: She is a fluffy, soft little princess. She likes to explore and snuggle. Really a well balanced kitten. She knows her boundaries and loves her siblings. One thing I love about her... she totally instigates battles with Dooney. She usually gets beat up pretty quickly, but I'm proud of her for trying and showing Dooney she's not afraid. She also loves (loves, loves) playing with toys, paper bags, her sisters' tails, and anything else that moves, makes noise or can be chewed on.

Gucci (pictured top with Burke): Where do I begin? She's my little trouble maker and I love her for it. She is the first to get into just about everything. She's the only one that has (lately) been making a break for my open apartment door. When she hears the outside door open and close she perks up and watches the door to see if it is going to open. My little adventurer. She was also the first one to realize that she could climb my legs if she wants my attention. She also gets the spray bottle the most. She pushes my buttons and usually knows exactly how to get me. So far the spray bottle is working... thanks for the suggestion, Siddarth.

Prada: My baby. My favorite. I know, how can I pick one favorite? Prada is just such a sweet, quiet little kitten that loves to cuddle. She is happy to watch the others play and join in if there is an opening. She waits her turn and sometimes I think understands what "No" means. She is also my first one to be sick. I have to give her medicine... which neither of us likes. But I have to baby her a little extra and I'm always keeping an extra eye on her. I snuggle her harder and sometimes make the others go away while we have our quality time. Do you think the others notice?

This is truly an experience that is changing my habits. [As one friend pointed out, I'm not just visiting crazy cat lady land... I've instantly become a full time resident.] When I am out with friends my mind is on the kittens. I hope they aren't tearing apart my place, hurting each other or getting sick. They have behaved very well when I leave them alone (so far) and I'm keeping my fingers crossed (hard) that they stay well behaved. In the next two months I am sure I will learn a lot more about each of them and about taking care of little creatures in general. I will be sure to keep everyone abreast of our adventures in growing-up together.



Yeah, I bet you have guessed this is the part where I rant about the dumb bitches that use Halloween as an excuse to dress like complete whores. I mean, there were SO many chicks last night that were essentially wearing their unmentionables like it was totally acceptable. Call me old fashioned, or crotchety, but don't ever call me if you are wearing one of these get ups. What ever happened to scary costumes? You know, how Halloween used to be a holiday about ghosts and zombies and scaring people. Last night the only thing that scared me is "Naughty Nurse" or "Scantily Clad Bumblebee" having something pop out and hit me in the face.

The young ladies choosing to dress this way aren't the only ones to blame. Our over sexed society has made these costumes totally acceptable. The temporary Halloween stores have aisles and aisles of costumes for women that are nothing more than over priced underwear. And when I say overpriced I mean o-v-e-r priced. But that's a rant for another time.

I'm not saying that having a sexy costume is unacceptable for Halloween, but if the thing you are being isn't sexy in real life then why should it become sexy just for Halloween? I mean if you want to dress as Lady Gaga she's dripping with sex appeal so you have yourself a sexy costume. If you are creative enough to come up with a costume character that let's your boobs hang out have at 'er. It's the unnecessary half-nakedness that I have a problem with.

Finally, I'd like to say that women aren't the only ones at fault with this one. There are plenty of dudes that are missing shirts on Halloween. However, I think that most of them are much cooler with the gross out factor when choosing a costume... instead of the skin factor. As usual, this is only my opinion. If I have offended anyone or taken this topic to lightly I'm willing to reconsider my stance... though that isn't likely.


open (celebrity) letters

I really like to follow celebrity happenings. Everything from the tragic end of John and Kate (plus 8) to the explosion (and then subsequent implosion) of Kanye West. I like the compound names: Bennifer and Speidi and Brangelina... and all the juicy details that cause those names to burst at the seams. What I DON'T like about celebrities is I don't have any forum to tell them what I think. [And as we all know here, sharing my opinion is top priority.] So, I am taking the opportunity to share open letters with all the celebrities that I think could use my guidance... or that just need a piece of my mind. If anyone has any way of actually sharing my words with these celebrities, have at 'er. In fact, if you want to rip off my words and use them as your own I could really give a shit. As long as these folks can hear what I have to say... that is the important part.

Dear Kanye,
Remember how you were just a normal guy rapping in Chicago before Jay-Z discovered you? Yeah, try going back to being that guy. This new guy sucks.

Dear Heidi Montag,
You love Jesus. Do you think Jesus loves your spread in Playboy or your fake boobs?

Dear Jessica Simpson,
It's too bad you're unlucky in love. It's too bad a coyote ate your dog. It's too bad you surround yourself with other drama queens. It's also too bad that you've never had to actualy use your head for anything other than to try out new hairstyles. However, it's time to buck up, buttercup. No one feels sorry for you anymore. You don't need a man, or a dog, or a bunch of drama queens. I suggest picking a look and going with it. And for the record... it isn't high waisted jeans or looking confused.

Dear Mariah,
You're back baby. That's EXACTLY why he's so obsessed with you.

Dear Octo-mom,
You. Are. Nuts. I'm sorry your dream to end up like Kate Gosselin didn't work out for you. Though, at this point who really wants to be like her anyway? Please, do your children a favor and try to keep some nannies around. I get nervous with your lips getting bigger and all. You're going to scare the babies.

Dear Everyone on The Hills,
Fakest. Reality show. Ever. Stop. Just, stop.
cc: Keeping Up With the Kardashians

Dear Ashlee Simpson-Wentz,
Please stop ruining Melrose for everyone. We're really trying to like it here.

I see this being a regular segment on my blog. Celebrities are doing dumb stuff all the time. I can't wait to point out each and every big and small shortcoming of all the most popular folks. I mean, I haven't even *started* a letter to Lindsay Lohan... wow, that will be a good one. If you have a celebrity suggestion throw it in the comments box. I'll do my research and give them a piece of my mind.


the summer of jessa

The summer of 2009 has been quite a memorable one for me. In fact, the super-awesome-fun-time is what inspired me to start this blog. I figured that allowing folks to live vicariously through me (via this blog) was a favor for the whole world... or something.

The summer started out innocently enough. BAZ's wedding on Memorial Day weekend. Great to start the summer out by seeing some of my favorite LU peeps. There was delicious food, intoxicating beverages and SHOOOOOOTS! Other highlights include the Capitol Green and Kiana hating the shots guy from the night before, during a ride in the elevator. BAZ was a lovely bride. Brian, you're a lucky man to marry my friend. Because then it means you get to be friends with me too. What a trip, eh?

I followed that up with one of my more unique adventures of the summer... participating in the 95.9 Kiss FM Bachelor contest. I totally entered on a whim. Threw my hat in the ring without thinking I would EVER be selected. I was just myself. All I could be. It was between me and "Becki". Yeah, with an i. There were online bios and radio interviews. I was brilliant in some and dreadful in others. I had everyone I knew voting for me... including some dudes from Ireland.

So, I won. I won the date with Kyle the bachelor. I was totally stoked. If nothing else I was getting a free meal at the Melting Pot and got to meet Doug and Mary (the morning show hosts). Check out how much fun we had. There are more photos and a video... go ahead and watch using the link below... I'll wait. P.S. don't mind Mary's camera work.

More Photos

Video Confessional

He was totally into me, right? Wrong. Without going into detail we'll just say I did everything right and he did everything wrong. Obvi. Luckily I had the TRats tickets in my possession. Kyle, if you're reading this, Carla and I had a fantastic time watching Dave Bush warm up about 5' in front of us. Thanks for being a total tool. Moving on...

Two words... Carolina Liar! I saw 'em on a boat in Green Bay. Well, I saw Chad and R
ickard from Carolina Liar. There's like four other dudes in the band. But those two are HOT... and even hotter when they are playing your favorite songs. We enjoyed a boat ride in the bay and down the Fox River. Thanks Foxy Lady II crew and 101.1 radio station (yeah, another radio station promo)... You host a great party. After the acoustic set was done we got to meet the boys and get their autographs. Ok, so maybe Megan and I went back for seconds, but hey... they are famous hotties in band, what did they expect?? Lookit, we're in love...

My summer had a lot of baseball games peppered in. From opening day at the TRats wi
th our winter gear on, to helping the Brewers avoid a sweep by the Cubs at their last meeting at Miller Park. Didn't you see me on the field? Actually, I won the tickets to go to that game from my favorite Brewer blogger Miller Park Drunk. He's funny and drunk. He also doesn't like meeting people that like him. Apparently we've found our first blogger that doesn't appreciate fans or positive attention.

A highlight of the baseball summer had to be the TRats dollar beer night. There were memorable moments... from Bethy cheering me on to find a new shortcut out of the bac
k parking lot ["Do it! Do it! Do it!" rings in my head]...to being a half of a human hamburger. Yep. Human hamburger. It was a race... against my brother.... he cheated.......... i lost. To be honest, I was the one that got all of us into it. Talking to strangers. Thanks to Bethy, Foth, and Josh for humoring me. Megan! Where's that video?! Well, here's a pic to give you an idea for now.

Here's something relatively new... I like to run! Yes, your friend, Jessa, has picked up the running habit. I trained for the Fox Cities Half marathon [my first] and am quite proud of myself for finishing. I got a shiny medal. Lots to learn though. More races to come. There might be some swimming involved. gulp.

The end of summer is always a sad time for me because it means that winter is right around the corner. But making the transition into the fall a little easier was the nuptials of my dear roomie... Kayyyytttteeeee! Kayte and Dan got hitched in Duluth, Minnesota, which, if I may say, is a LoVeLy place. Absolutely took my breath away. [I bet it ain't so pretty in mid-January... waist deep in snow.] Julie was a fantastic date. We tore it up on the dance floor. Kiana and Chad stopped by on their way to Europe.

Shout out to Julie for securing a room with a door directly connecting us to the pool. I don't know how lucky our neighbors were, however. Before we even left the hotel room for the wedding I had decided I was jumping in the pool afterwords... with my dress on. Later, after experiencing the "club" in downtown Duluth for a bit, we decided to turn in for the night. Someone held the door connected to the pool open, so I could run straight through our room and into the pool. It. Was. Awesome. As we were being asked to leave the pool area and go to bed Chad decided to try out a CANNON BALL! into the hot tub. It was probably the funniest thing that happened all weekend. Loved it.

As you can see, the summer was filled with more fun than most people can handle. I just want you to know no one was injured in the preceding stories... well, not seriously anyway. I like to think that fun is something I'm pretty good at. I live life. I love life. I figure if I'm going to do something I'm going to have fun doing it. Hopefully that's how my friends see what it is I'm trying to do here.


road trip

Black Betty and I just returned from a trip for work. It was a doozie. If I did the math correctly [and this is hard because I mostly count on my fingers] I logged somewhere around 1,300 miles. The trip went a little something like this: Appleton to Milwaukee, Milwaukee to Chicago back to Milwaukee, Milwaukee to Slinger, Slinger to Chicago, Chicago to Des Moines, Des Moines to Ames, and Ames to Appleton. Woah. That's a lot of driving. During all those miles of highway I had an opportunity to do a lot of observing. There were highlights and lowlights... but most importantly a safe trip overall.

I'd like to recognize Iowa (and Minnesota from an earlier trip) for having my favorite part of my drive... 70 mile per hour speed limits. I love driving fast and we all know that ten miles an hour over a limit is generally acceptable. The NASCAR driver in me had to push that limit, however. Going 95 was sweet. I didn't push it any more than that. Sigh. Fast.

Lotsa time to check out what's on the radio too. Gah. What are kids listening to these days? I won't name any songs because if you really like that song I'd feel bad that I insulted your taste in music and I want to keep my readers, not alienate them. I will, however, go out on a limb and tell you what a few of my favorite radio songs are... judge away, I'm ready. I found myself tuning into a lot of pop stations. The radio got louder when the following songs came on: Party in the U.S.A. by Miley Cyrus, Obsessed by Mariah Carey, and Paparazzi by Lady Gaga. I know, am I, like, seventeen? Did you guys know Ryan Seacrest has a daytime radio show? It is aired on a number of major stations. It makes me like him a *little* bit more. Still not enough to say I like him in general, but some bonus points. I'm sure Ryan is thrilled. I also played some (old) Kings of Leon and Carolina Liar on CD. I felt like that kinda balanced out the tweenager jam sessions. Plan for next trip... book on CD. I was a little nutty on the way home. Miley can only sustain fun and excitement for a certain amount of time.

Back to the actual task while behind the wheel... driving. Best and worst. Folks from Iowa get another round of applause. They totally get the "battering ram" technique I've tried to implement on the streets. I'm driving fast and they are getting out of the way. Love it. As I have always said, folks from Illinois are the worst drivers. No signals for lane changes. Flying by you on the right when no one is in the left lane. Driving on the shoulder. Sheesh. Of course these generalizations are gross and probably wildly inaccurate for a lot of people. This is just what I observed while on the road. Wisconsin drivers are not perfect angels either. My theory is, the further north you go, the worse they are. Their problem though, is driving slow, not like maniacs going to a fire.

One final highlight is my car hit 33,333 miles. It was an exciting moment that I captured via camera phone. Unfortunately I can't do anything with the pic because I can't get it off my phone, so you'll just have to trust me on this. If you want proof come and find me and I'll show you a pic. Then my middle finger. Untrusting jerk. I was just north of Rosendale, Wisco near county highway FF. I thought that was pretty freakin' sweet since one of my favorite words starts with F. You know they one.

That's the word from the road. My stops in between were wonderful. Thanks to Megan, my parents, Chris and Joyce, and Sam and Claire for hosting me. LU thanks you too. You made the nights fun and restful... except you Megan... no rest in Milwaukee... but I guess I only have myself to blame. It was totally worth it. "Heeaaaayyyyyyyy... it's a Party in the U.S.A."



So, I might be one of the last people on Earth to create a blog, and maybe one of the first that should have had one. I mean, I have so many opinions and am definitely lacking space to keep them all organized. Sharing them here not only clears room for the new stuff I'm (supposedly) learning everyday, but I also get my opinion out into the WORLD WIDE WEB. Like, seriously, WIDE.

This space will probably be the closest unobstructed look into my head that anyone has ever really had. There's a good chance that this could just turn into a stream of consciousness, but if that happens then you can always change the channel. Most important to remember, I will type the way I talk. If you don't like made up words, swearing, or a bunch of these "..." then don't even bother reading any further.

Inspiration will hit at any moment - I hope. If you would like to see my comical take on your own personal opinion gimme a shout and I will yuk it up... or is that muck it up? Either way, I have an opinion and now a place to share it.