
the kitten chronicles - part one: meet the kittens

Recently I agreed to begin foster care for cats from the Fox Valley Humane Association (FVHA). I have been volunteering with the organization since last spring. About once a month I go in to help clean out cat cages... yes, scooping poop from litter boxes and replacing dirty bedding and anything else the kitties ask of me. Glamorous, huh?

Well, my responsibilities skyrocketed about a week ago when I applied to be a kitty cat foster mom. This program sounded perfect or me... all I want is to love me some kitties without having to pay the bills and these kitties are in some serious need of love. This was a story problem even I could figure out. Here's where things get exciting... I have never had a pet while living on my own - plants were the only thing I figured I could be held responsible for on a 24/7 basis. The way I figure, the cat gods were looking down on me and wanted a good laugh for the next two months... because the foster family I got was a litter of FIVE, 10 week old kittens.

I was SOOOOOOO excited. I even announced my excitement at a meeting the day I was going to pick the kittens up. I saw some of my co-workers shaking their heads, while others had sly grins. "What could they be thinking?", I wondered to myself. Now I know what they were thinking... "What a sweet, stupid girl. She has no idea what she's getting into." They were right, I just dove into the deep end of the kitty-care pool.

I picked up my kittens and all their supplies (FVHA gives you all the food, litter, toys, litter boxes, and dishes you need) and we headed to my apartment for our first night at home together. Pop quiz: what is a kitten's favorite thing to get into?? EVERYTHING! These little creatures are so curious that a fold in a blanket can keep them occupied for a good five minutes. Yeah, five minutes is about as long as their attention spans last. They helped me find all the stuff in my apartment that should be put away. The first 40 minutes was spent following them around and taking stuff away that they shouldn't have been playing with. That's when it occurred to me... I was now responsible for five kitty cat infants. They don't know that chewing on that electrical cable will kill them... luckily they DO know what a litter box is and what it is for. Which reminds me... kitten poo might be the worst smelling poo in the entire world.

So, allow me to introduce my new posse. After about three days with them I feel like I have their personalities pretty much figured out, but they are still surprising me everyday.

Dooney: He's the one boy in the litter of five. He's a pig and a bully. He can be a sweet little lover when the rest of the girls aren't around, but likes to keep the ladies in line. Also, he likes to have the prime spot when we're sleeping... on my throat and in my face. He also likes to climb my back and perch on my shoulder. Basically, the alpha of the group. He's recently started pushing the girls around. Some of them will fight back... some just cry. I hate to see what goes on when I'm not here.

Burke: She's a sweet, stupid little runt. She and Dooney have the same markings. Sometimes I think Dooney cuts her a little extra slack and in return she is his little lackey. The two of them together bully the others out of the food bowl. She is the only one that can eat with Dooney without him growling or smacking her. She also refuses to defend herself when Dooney starts beating her up. Sigh. I save her every time. I don't want to get too down on Burke. She has been the first kitten to come and find me in the morning when they aren't sleeping with me. She loves to perch on me and cuddle. She so sweet and playful. She'll make someone a very satisfied cat owner. Jen... are you reading this?

Vuitton: She is a fluffy, soft little princess. She likes to explore and snuggle. Really a well balanced kitten. She knows her boundaries and loves her siblings. One thing I love about her... she totally instigates battles with Dooney. She usually gets beat up pretty quickly, but I'm proud of her for trying and showing Dooney she's not afraid. She also loves (loves, loves) playing with toys, paper bags, her sisters' tails, and anything else that moves, makes noise or can be chewed on.

Gucci (pictured top with Burke): Where do I begin? She's my little trouble maker and I love her for it. She is the first to get into just about everything. She's the only one that has (lately) been making a break for my open apartment door. When she hears the outside door open and close she perks up and watches the door to see if it is going to open. My little adventurer. She was also the first one to realize that she could climb my legs if she wants my attention. She also gets the spray bottle the most. She pushes my buttons and usually knows exactly how to get me. So far the spray bottle is working... thanks for the suggestion, Siddarth.

Prada: My baby. My favorite. I know, how can I pick one favorite? Prada is just such a sweet, quiet little kitten that loves to cuddle. She is happy to watch the others play and join in if there is an opening. She waits her turn and sometimes I think understands what "No" means. She is also my first one to be sick. I have to give her medicine... which neither of us likes. But I have to baby her a little extra and I'm always keeping an extra eye on her. I snuggle her harder and sometimes make the others go away while we have our quality time. Do you think the others notice?

This is truly an experience that is changing my habits. [As one friend pointed out, I'm not just visiting crazy cat lady land... I've instantly become a full time resident.] When I am out with friends my mind is on the kittens. I hope they aren't tearing apart my place, hurting each other or getting sick. They have behaved very well when I leave them alone (so far) and I'm keeping my fingers crossed (hard) that they stay well behaved. In the next two months I am sure I will learn a lot more about each of them and about taking care of little creatures in general. I will be sure to keep everyone abreast of our adventures in growing-up together.


  1. In Burke's defense I am giving her a pretty hard time in this post. She's really a wonderful little kitty, just a bit dim-witted. She is very athletic and alert and always a lot of fun. I'm sure we'll see that in future posts too.

  2. It's like you have 5 toddlers wreaking havoc on your apartment!!! Good luck. It sounds like lots of snuggly cuddly fun. :)
