

Yeah, I bet you have guessed this is the part where I rant about the dumb bitches that use Halloween as an excuse to dress like complete whores. I mean, there were SO many chicks last night that were essentially wearing their unmentionables like it was totally acceptable. Call me old fashioned, or crotchety, but don't ever call me if you are wearing one of these get ups. What ever happened to scary costumes? You know, how Halloween used to be a holiday about ghosts and zombies and scaring people. Last night the only thing that scared me is "Naughty Nurse" or "Scantily Clad Bumblebee" having something pop out and hit me in the face.

The young ladies choosing to dress this way aren't the only ones to blame. Our over sexed society has made these costumes totally acceptable. The temporary Halloween stores have aisles and aisles of costumes for women that are nothing more than over priced underwear. And when I say overpriced I mean o-v-e-r priced. But that's a rant for another time.

I'm not saying that having a sexy costume is unacceptable for Halloween, but if the thing you are being isn't sexy in real life then why should it become sexy just for Halloween? I mean if you want to dress as Lady Gaga she's dripping with sex appeal so you have yourself a sexy costume. If you are creative enough to come up with a costume character that let's your boobs hang out have at 'er. It's the unnecessary half-nakedness that I have a problem with.

Finally, I'd like to say that women aren't the only ones at fault with this one. There are plenty of dudes that are missing shirts on Halloween. However, I think that most of them are much cooler with the gross out factor when choosing a costume... instead of the skin factor. As usual, this is only my opinion. If I have offended anyone or taken this topic to lightly I'm willing to reconsider my stance... though that isn't likely.


  1. Okay, I have to admit. I was one of those sluts this Halloween. HEAR ME OUT! I wanted to be something kinda feminine for Halloween, but I was worried that people would think I was a drag queen. SOOOO I decided to BE a drag queen on purpose; it just so happens, that they dress like sluts.

    Also, no one got it. My cab driver thought I was a legitimate prostitute and everyone else guessed Beyonce.

  2. You fall into my category of finding a costume where it made sense to dress like that. I can appreciate a costume like that. I love the idea, I'm only sorry no one got it. Maybe if there was a gang of drag queens... Hmmmm... I could get down with that.
